Skyui on skyrim special edition
Skyui on skyrim special edition

skyui on skyrim special edition

Keep in mind that the magic menu and some submenus also have their own unique categories. Next to that is a settings gear where you can enable sorting categories for filters such as a weapon’s class, weight, value, and most importantly value per weight, which for some reason is off by default. I’d like to ask you when the last time you actually used that to locate an item rather than scrolling down the menu manually hunting down the loot you’re looking for? If you’re like me probably never but it really is a huge time save so there’s no reason not to use it.

skyui on skyrim special edition

The first feature is of course the search bar. Since we all already know what the MCM or Mod Configuration Menu does, in case you’ve been under a rock somewhere it’s essentially a settings menu for mods to utilize, let’s go ahead and begin with the inventory and all the little gems it brings to the table. In a way, these two features of SkyUI are so useful that they eclipse all the other awesome features that are included. Most of us also can’t live without the PC inventory layout that it provides too but that’s all most of us think about actively. I mean the mod is really old at this point and almost all of us have used it in the past and so many other mods require the MCM menu for complete functionality that we just automatically install it without giving it a second thought. If I had to guess, most of you probably haven’t even taken the time to think of all the amazing capabilities of SkyUI lately and that’s understandable.

Skyui on skyrim special edition